Lea’s Senior Pictures

I shot some senior pictures for my friend Mark’s niece, Lea, about a week ago. It’s been a little while since I’ve done a full-out portrait session, but I think it went really well.


Now Norman, be cool, but Lucky may have sat on that after we did the photo shoot.

This particular shot was planned out by Lea and her mom, Belenda, like, a year in advance. They wanted to have Lea with books in the woods and this antique Seti from Lea’s grandfather Norman’s collection. I don’t know if I spelled “seti” correctly. Norman didn’t want us using it, but he wasn’t home that day.

Here are some more shots:




I used the shadow/highlight tool in CS4 to amp the colors and dynamic range a touch. Oh, and Lea's parents moved that yellow branch into all the shots for me.


f 2.8, iso 200, 1/250 second. Shade provided by Belenda wrangling the fold-out reflector.


This seems to be most peoples' favorite set from the shoot. Lea by another of Norman's antiques. I also did the the shadow / highlight thing here. It's a bit more noticeable than the other picture.

I think I did a pretty decent job on these, but that is only one of the reasons they worked out as well as they did.  Lea was very proactive about making this photoshoot happen. She got the plan in motion, pulled out a good range of expressions and was willing to try different ideas.

Lea being proactive about her senior shoot.


This shot was all Lea's idea.


And this shot was my favorite. That light is killer. I've always liked that road as a background too.

I was pretty happy with this set of images. Thanks Lea.